Thursday, October 20, 2011

Catch Up

Wow. So much has happened since the last post, I almost don't know where to start. Here are some tidbits:

Ryan and I are now in Oakland, Maryland. We're renting a furnished condo while the house we're buying is prepping to close on November 7th. We're very excited for that.

Ryan likes his job and has been working good hours -- not too overloaded. It's so nice having him home early because he's such a great dad. He walks in the door, throws down his stuff, and plays with the girls. It's so fun to watch.

The girls and I got to spend a few weeks in Raleigh before coming to Maryland. I loved spending time with my family, and I loved having all the help with the kiddos. ViVi misses her grandparents and her Aunt Nelly, but (sorry mom) I think she misses Olive the most. Every once in a while she goes on blabbering sprees, and you can pick out "Olive! Treat!" somewhere in the middle of them. Also, now whenever she gets on the phone to talk to someone, she either says, "Daddy?" or "Nenny?" Nenny is how she says Nelly, which is short for Janelle.

We also spent a long weekend in New York to visit my sisters Lori and Kimmy. The drive was horrible, but the weekend was fun. They live in the most amazing place! For days after we left, ViVi was asking for Chloe. It was so cute.

Now I'm just going to start posting pictures and videos. They'll be kind of all over the place, but I hope you like them!

They already love eachother:

Here's V and her friend Lucy Crest after a fun time at the pool. The Crests live in Texas, and they visited us in Colorado on the way back from a wedding in Utah. So much fun that weekend. So much pizza eaten. :)

V turned 2 while we were in New York. She's pretty good at the whole opening presents thing:

ViVi had quite the conversation going with her cousin Jonah:

Do you think V likes her presents from nana and papa?

Aunt Lori gave V Mary Poppins for her birthday. She is OBSESSED with it. She watched it for 8 hours on that drive back, and she requests it every morning. Here's one of her favorite parts: