Friday, October 2, 2009

And now for my REAL baby

At 6:27 PM last night (you win, Sabrina!), Genevieve Lorraine Sweetwood joined our little family. After 21 hours of labor and 1 and a half hours of pushing, we're SO glad she's finally here.

Don't you love that hair? Like father like daughter.

We just can't believe how beautiful she is.

More pictures will come later. But now I'm going to nap. :)


Sabs said...

oooh do i when a free trip to come see you?! congrats!she's beautiful!

Laura said...

She's gorgeous! I am so happy for you! Give her a kiss for me!

Whitney Royer said...

Soo Adorable!!! Congratulations Holly and Ryan!!

Christa said...

So beautiful! I love all the hair. Congratulations.

Devin & Amanda said...


Amanda said...

She is gorgeous. Congratulations.

Dani said...

Remember that time you had a baby? That was so freaking cool. Also remember how you and that baby are the most beautiful girls I know!? Seriously...when I saw that last picture of you two I said to Mat, "Mat...I think that baby's cuter than mine!" So believe me when I say that I think that little girl is GORGEOUS!! James is SO marrying her. So yeah, call me sometime when you know, you can. I understand. LOVE YOU SWEETWOODS!

Michelle Williams said...

CONGRATS!! She is a BEAUTIFUL little girl, even if you did fluff her hair to be like Daddy.

Dave Crest said...

Very, very cute little baby! We miss you guys a ton. Hope the three of you are doing great.

Ryan said...

Just for the record. My hair is tamed most days. Hats help.

Julie said...

Holly, I need new pictures!!!