Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Baby's a Genius

Genevieve is now trying to copy pretty much any sign we do. She's figured out that signing GETS her stuff, and she loves it. Her latest discovery is "please." When she learns a new sign, I try to reinforce that she's doing it right. So when she first learned to sign "candy," I gave her an M&M every time she signed it. Now she's learned to sign "please," and of course, she mostly uses it with "candy." It goes like this:

Vivi: signs "candy"
Mommy: "What do you say?"
Vivi: signs "please" and giggles
Mommy: gives V an M&M and says, "Can you say thank you?"
Vivi: signs "thank you."

My baby is a genius:

For those of you that actually know sign language, you'll notice that she isn't actually doing any of them correctly, but she gets pretty darn close!

If you haven't checked the blog in a while, make sure you look at the next post to see fun pictures from Christmas!


Julie said...

Brilliant! It doesn't get any cuter than that!

Julie said...

I really love how she signs bird and lion!