Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Happy Girl

Genevieve is smiling away now, but I still haven't gotten any good pictures of it. Why? When my face goes behind the camera, she doesn't want to smile anymore. sigh... I'll have to double team it with Ryan this weekend.

Here's Vivi with Nana and Papa:

And this is what she does almost all day long:

This one's fuzzy because I was trying to hold the camera away from my face and smile at her. But you can see the general idea:


Sabs said...

oh yay! more pics!!! she's soo tiny and sooo cute!

ERIN said...

Soo cute, they grow so fast!

The Patterson's said...

Oh she is so gorgeous! I miss you guys.

Rachel Hair said...

She is soooo cute!! Such a cute baby!! I love your blog. I love it, your living on a "farm". I'm jealous you have your own yard. Hopefully someday I'll have that. Tell Ryan Hi for me.